Friday, May 31, 2013

Pop culture 1950's

The American Dream 1950's

1. What were some causes for the baby boom?-Soldiers returned home from the war and were reunited with their wives, and they had sex and created many babies.

2. What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
- Manufacturers made more toys.
- There was a need for childcare, more schools, and more teachers.

3. How did roles of women change in the 1950's?
- Women did not have complete professional jobs.
- They were paid less.
- They started to attend colleges.

4. What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
- There were not strict credit rules, so it was easy to have good credit.
- After the war, there was an abundance of gas, so it was cheap.
- Some people had to drive far for their jobs.
- Since there were more cars, places needed more roads. Therefore, the highway was invented.

Truman's Labor Policy

1. What were some of the significant challenges Pres. Truman faced after WWII?

he struggled to find jobs for soldiers bring stability and peace to all americans the sterikes and shortages of supplies

2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion.

he tried to make jobs but everyone opposed every move he made even his own family

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The American Teenagers Of The 1950's

1. How did the teenagers change after The Great Depression and WWII?- It allowed teens to stay in school instead of leave to help their families financially.
- They received allowance because before, families had to ration and save everything they could.
- Companies and merchandise were targeted towards teens.
- Teens decided to spend more money on cosmetics, drive-in movie theaters, and college enrollments.

2. What is "white flight"? Was it good for society?
- The White Flight was when rich White people decided to isolate themselves from society and move away from the city.
- The poor decided to move to the city in place of the Whites.
- It was bad for society because the colored people couldn't afford all the expenses so the cities were full of poverty.

3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the United States before the 1950's?
- After the war between Mexico and the United States, Mexicans were allowed to work in the field of agriculture.

Postwar America 1950's

What was the US economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?- The economy during WWII was not so great because Americans had to ration and save every little bit of resources they had. After WWII, Americans prospered. They focused on jobs, families, and advances in technology.

How did the American economy transform after the Great Depression and WWII? 
-Businesses expanded rapidly. White-collars, the people who worked as managers and such, were higher paid than those of the blue-collared, people who labored and made goods.
-Franchises were highly successful. For example, McDonald's was so successful that today there are more than 140,000 franchises in more than dozens of countries.

Why would a company like Google not do well in the 1950's?
-Businesses did not want anything that did not fit to standards. With Google, a company that wants to create new, innovative ideas, would not prosper as much.

The Boy In Striped Pajamas- Analysis Questions

1. Why do you think Bruno's father was so secretive about his family's move? - Because no father wants to tell their family that they are killing innocent lives.

2. What was Bruno taught about Jews?
- His teacher taught him that Jews were horrid people, and wanted to take over germany.

3. When a Jewish man helped Bruno up after he fell off a swing, how was this a significant event to the mother?
- The event showed the mother that not all Jewish people are bad. She saw for herself that what German society put forth was not true.

4. Bruno's father transformed into a loving father to a what? Why?
- He transformed into a person without humanity. His job was to kill people, and in order for him to not be affected by the events that he saw, he needed to throw away his quality of love away.

5. What kind of boy was Bruno at first? What did he transform to?
- At first, Bruno was ignorant and oblivious to all the events pertaining to the War. Then, after talking to the little boy and from blunt comments from his sister, he sort of got the hint that something was wrong/ off about his father and the camp.

6. Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions.
- I felt sorry for Bruno because no one had ever told him what is really going on. It is understandable to not tell a kid the truth, since you do not want to scar him. But his curiosity had gotten the best of him, eventually leading him to death

Post WW2 in America

1.)  Why were Americans afraid of Europe?
  • The Soviet Union created a political system called communism and most believed that it was a threat to the way the United States did things.
2.) What did the Russians want in Europe?
  • Russians encouraged communism and they wanted to rebuild Europe's economy using their materials and goods.

3. ) What did Americans want in Europe?
  • The United States wanted to recreate European governments so that the US can gain new markets for new goods. They also meddled, wanting to reunited Germany, thinking that Europe would be more productive if Germany were together again.