Monday, February 25, 2013

New Technology & the 1920's

1.) How did the automobile affect America?
  • it affected America in a possitive way with many good outcomes. One of them being allowing people to travel from one place to another more quickly and easier. Since the automobile roads were being built, it opened many job opportunities to people, and they were able to built gas stations, repair shops, motels, tourist camps, and malls. This made the economy rise up dramaticly.
2.) What's Urban Spraw and what caused it?
  • Urban Spraw is when cities grow out or expand larger. What caused this was mobility caused by the creation of cars.
3.) What was the first use of airplanes after war?
  • The first airplanes were used to beliver mail for the U.S. Post office.
4.) Predict whats going to happen to the American Economy?
  • I think its going to have a down fall, because you know what they say " What goes up must come down ".

Kellogg-Braind Pact

yoo by adrian potilla on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unions And Labor After World War 1

1.) Do workers have a fundamental right to form unions and strikes?
  • workers didnt have the rights, because the government didnt want them to interfere with the war efforts, and also the AFL pledged to avoid any strikes.
2.) goanimate video

3.) Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
  • workers were treated very unfairly, because they were forced to work in crappy conditions, and put in lots of hours.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The U.S. after WWI

1.) Descride the feeling many Americans had after WW1?
  • the feelings that the American had were that they were exhausted of the war, different changes in society, and unemployment.
2.) What were some reactions by  Americans to their post WWI feelings?
  • They were afraid of outsiders, they practiced nativism (prejudice against foreign-born people) and isolationism(staying out of foreign affairs). they had a fear of communism
3.) What did the Palmer raids acomplish? Why did palmer do the raids?
  • It acomplished to go for political radicals, and he did this because he was affriad of communism
4.) What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
  • The KKK membership increased because immigrants were coming from europe, and the people migrating were jewish and catholics.So the KKK feared and dislike these religions and felt like they were going to be taken over by them.
5.) What was the quota system?
  • The quota system was a law that was made to limit the number of immigrants coming over to the U.S
6.) Was the quota system discriminatory? If yes to whom?
  • Yes the quota system was discriminatory against immigrants from europe, mainly from Italy, Hungray, Poland, Ukrain ect.. All because they were jewish and catholic.
7.) How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
  • Mexico was not affected by this system law
8.) How was japan affected by the quota system?
  •   Japan was affected by the quota system because they had already made the Gentlemens Agreement in 1907 with Teddy R. to limit the amount of japaneese coming to the U.S. and now they would be limited again.

progressive exam reflection

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of People of Color

1.) How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's & where did they do this work? 
  • Mexicans would work in the railroads, and were also vital to the development of mining and agriculture. They would do this work in the southwestern part of the U.S.
2.) Describe African-American life in the 1900's(Where did they move to, what was their experience, etc)?
  • The life of the African-American life was difficult, because there would always be racial discrimination, both in the north and south. They were practecly forced into segregated neighborhoods, and were always discriminated in there work place as well.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recreation in the U.S.

1.) When and why did americans begin to recreate?
  • Americans began to recreate in the late 1800's, because they wanted to get away from the cities, and have fun for once in there lives. They also did this to get away from industrial working.
2.) Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to americans today?
  • I think the reasons are still the same compared to today, because people still go to amusment parks to have fun and feel free from work. Also they spend time with there families and like to have free time every once in a while.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

1.) Theodore " Teddy" Roosevelt was the 26th president of the U.S.A. He is best known for his leadership of the Progressive Movement, and leader of the Rupublican Party. He was born on October 27,1858 in New York City. He was in office from September 14, 1901- March 4, 1909

2.) Roosevelt became president, because on September 6, 1901, president Mckinley was shot, and at the time Roosevelt was vice president. So in 1904, Teddy won the presidency election , and therefore became new president.

3.) It provided him an outstanding platform from which to preach his ideas.

4.) He believed in equal but seperate. However the word equal, didnt really mean that to him, because African Americans were still being discriminated.

5.) I would like T.R. as president in todays world, because he took chances and they seemed to work.