Monday, February 25, 2013

New Technology & the 1920's

1.) How did the automobile affect America?
  • it affected America in a possitive way with many good outcomes. One of them being allowing people to travel from one place to another more quickly and easier. Since the automobile roads were being built, it opened many job opportunities to people, and they were able to built gas stations, repair shops, motels, tourist camps, and malls. This made the economy rise up dramaticly.
2.) What's Urban Spraw and what caused it?
  • Urban Spraw is when cities grow out or expand larger. What caused this was mobility caused by the creation of cars.
3.) What was the first use of airplanes after war?
  • The first airplanes were used to beliver mail for the U.S. Post office.
4.) Predict whats going to happen to the American Economy?
  • I think its going to have a down fall, because you know what they say " What goes up must come down ".

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