Monday, March 25, 2013

Programs of the New Deal

1.) What was THE major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
  • Roosevelt help his people in need, while Hoover turned his back on them.
2.) Which New Deal program was most responsible for creating the most jobs and how did the program achieve this?
  • The Work Progress Administration because it gave jobs to unskilled workers, and spend 8 billion dollars to create new jobs.
3.) What impact did the Social Security Act have on Americans?
  • It has been the strongest enduring program.
4.) Why was Huey Long against TND?
  • Huey Long was against TND because inadeqate.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TGD-FDR &The New Deal

1.) Who was FDR? (write a summary of your three most important facts)
  • FDR was one of the greatest presidents of the United States, and a perfect example of achiving your goals regardless of any disability. He was in a wheel chair most of his life, and he delt with both the solutions to the great depression, and world war 2.
2.) Who were FDR’s carefully-picked advisers, and why were they important to the president? They were a group of lawyers and journalists the helped the president with all the work.

  • 3. What was The New Deal?
    it was made to give the people of the U.S. a new start from their old lives where they struggled

    4. What three goals did The New Deal attempt to address?
    it attempted to relieve the needy help economic recovery and financial reform

    5. What was the first action FDR took as president?
    the first thing he did was close all the banks and only allow the ones that were in good financial state to re-open.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great Depresssion -President Hoover's handling of the Crisis

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginnnig of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because he didnt accomidate his people when they most needed help.  Hoover did not believe in help from the Government, and he refused direct welfare from the government to the people. Insted he gave money to huge corporations that already had lots of money, so basiclly his plan was inaffective. People were so upset with Hoover, they began to bump their food on the side of the roads, burned their crops and blocked roads so they could not deliver to the stores. Not only did Hoover make people mad, he also upsetted Veterans from WWI. These Veterans and their families reacted by making a group called the Bonus Army. They marched to D.C to protest for the Putman Bill, which was supposed to pay veterans of WWI, but Hoover wasnt going to let this happen so he reacted by tear gasing them, causing a little boy to lose his eye vision.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression - Hardships & Suffering

1.) Describe the Dust Bowl; what caused it?
  • it was a severe drought that caused a dust wind storm that picked up lots of dust and sand it blew it all over the middle of the U.S. The reason this happened was because the farmes over used the lands that held the dirt down, in other words they got to greety.
2.) Describe how TGD affected: (a.) children, (b.) families, (c.) women, (d.) men, (e.) people of color ?
  • a.) it affected children because they droped out of school to get a job, to help out their old folks.
  • b.) it affected families because every day was a struggle to make ends meet.
  • c.) women began to look for any type of job to feed their children.
  • d.) the men would try to find side jobs or pretty much any type of work.
  • e.) people of color were affected because they would get paid less and would be discriminated.
3.)  Who were “hoboes,” and how did they travel?
  • hoboes were groups of transients, and they did not stay in one place, instead they hitched rides on trains and would stay under bridges. Something like hippies.
4.) What was an enduring effect on people because of TGD?
  • people never ever wanted to be poor again in their lifes. (plus some people couldnt take it anymore, and instead committed suicide.)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Great Depression

1.) 94% of Americans made how much money in one year?
  •  they made less than $5,000
2.) Why is Wall Street important to American business?
  • Wall street was important to American business because thats were New York stock exchange, and companies sold their stocks there.
3.) If the stock market crash did NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
  • I think the main reason for the Great Depression was unequal distridution of income.
4.) What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
  • people are losing their jobs and are out of work like back then in the 1930's

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Roaring 1920's: People, Places and Events

1.) What are some beliefs held by fundamentalists?
  • they didnt believe in evolution because that kind of idea was not in the bible, and they strongly believe in everything the bible said becaue it hadd been corrected.
2.) The Scopes Trial challenged what law?
  • this trial challenged the law that banned the teaching of evolution in schools.
3.) The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
  • it created two different behavior rules for  men and women, which gave men more of a freedom to express themselves sexually.
4.) Why did Charles Lindbergh become famous? Louis Armstrong?
  • Charles Lindbergh became famous for flying across the Atlantic. Louis Armstrong became famous from his jazz music.
5.) What was the Harlem Renaissance?
  • this was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-Americans culture in Harlem New York.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life in the 1920's Changed: Prohibition

1.) What was Prohibition?
  • it was the banning of alcohol in the United States
2.) What group was responsible for the idea of Prohibition?
  • one group responsible for the banning of alcohol was the church affiliated Anti-Saloon League
3.) What were their reasons?
  • when they were under the influence of alcohol, they would act in bad behavior and hit their wifes and children. They were basicly mad men at the time.
4.) How did people get illegal alcohol?
  • they got illegal alcohol from
    speakeasies which were places like offices or basements and also from
 5.) In your opinion, was Prohibition a good or bad idea, and
  • I think prohibition was a very good idea because it made people stay sober and there were less crimes and child/wife abuse.