Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Great Depresssion -President Hoover's handling of the Crisis

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginnnig of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because he didnt accomidate his people when they most needed help.  Hoover did not believe in help from the Government, and he refused direct welfare from the government to the people. Insted he gave money to huge corporations that already had lots of money, so basiclly his plan was inaffective. People were so upset with Hoover, they began to bump their food on the side of the roads, burned their crops and blocked roads so they could not deliver to the stores. Not only did Hoover make people mad, he also upsetted Veterans from WWI. These Veterans and their families reacted by making a group called the Bonus Army. They marched to D.C to protest for the Putman Bill, which was supposed to pay veterans of WWI, but Hoover wasnt going to let this happen so he reacted by tear gasing them, causing a little boy to lose his eye vision.

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