Monday, April 29, 2013

WW2 Across the Atlantic Ocean

1.) Who was the supreme commander in Europe, and was he successful?
  • American General Dwight Eisenhower, and he was successful because he made the nazis have an unconditional surrender.
2.) What was the significance of D- day?
  • it was the 1st invation of the allies in europe.They invated europe in order to get to Hitler.
3.) Was general Patton an effective leader?
  • he defeated the Nazis in France.
4.) Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?
  • it was Hitlers last opportunitie for victory in WW2

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping With The War at Home

1.) What was the OPA, and what was their job?
  • its the office of price administration, and their job was to fight inflation by freezing prices on most goods.
2.) What was the purpose of the OSRD? (office of scientific research and development)
  • to bring scientists into the war, and be able to come up with a new invention of better weapons to defeat the enemy in the war.
3.) In what ways did Americans sacrafice during WW2?
  • people couldnt buy as much things as they used to buy, because they were being ration and that limitted them from purchasing goods.
4.) How similar or different were your sacrafices during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars?
  • they were very different because the government in todays wars didnt give us the people, limitations like they did back then in WW2. So basiclly we didnt have to sacrafice anything really.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

U.S. Gets ready for the fight

1.) .Who was A. Philip Randolph and why did he and Pressident Roosevelt meet?
  • he was the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car porters, and they met to discuss the equality of African Americans to work and fight for their country.
2.) Who were the WAAC'S and why were they important to war effect?
  • they were the Womens Auxiliary Army Corps, and were very important to the war, because they worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, electricions, and pilots.
3.) How well did African Americans do during WW2?
  • it was really crapy for them because, they would get discriminated and always be segregated. they woud also only work as janitors cleaning toilets.

Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S Inches Towards WW2

1.) What was lend-lease, and what countries did it benefited?
  • The president would lend or rent weapons and supplies to "any country whose defense was vital to the United States." This benefited both England and the Soviet Union.
2.) What did Roosevelt call German U-boats?
  • he called them rattlesnakes
3.) How would you describe Roosevelts opinion of war?
  • At first Roosevelts remained nutral because the people wanted to stay out of the war, but because he was supporting both the soviet union and England by giving them weapons and supplies, japan ended up bombing pearl harbor, therefore making the US officaly enter world war 2.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WWII part 2

1.) List all the countries the Nazi's invaded?
  • Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, France, Denmark, Soviet Union, Belguim, and Holland.
2.) What did Winston Churchhill say about the peace agreed upon in the Munich Agreement?
  • Churchhill said that the agreement was a disaster, because he believed it was going to lead to a war, and that Britan and France were cawards for apasing Hitler.
3.) What is Blitzkreig?  whats the purpose?
  • its a lighting war that its purpose was to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition (enemy) with overwhelming force.

WWII part 1

1.) What treaty did Hitler hate? Why?
  • Hitler hated the treaty of versailles because it said that Germany was blamed for causing war world 1, and they were forced to pay the war damages. It also beat Germany's pride.
2.) Who became dictators during the 1930’s, and for what country?
  • Soviet Union- Joseph  Stalin
  • Germany- Abolf Hitler
  • Italy- Benito Mussalini
  • Japan- Hideki Tojo
  • Spain- Francisco Franco
3.) Explain similarities and differences amongst the dictators?
  • Mussalini and stalin would kill anyone who oppose their demands. Also Mussalini and Hitler called themselves the leaders and they both were very excellent speach givers.
4.) What was the U.S. thinking as several wars were breaking out?
  •  the United States wanted to reamin isolated and continue to be nutrual, on the other hand president Rossevelt wanted to join the war.



Monday, April 15, 2013

WWII Key Terms

1.) Allies : U.S.A, England, Soviet Union
2.) Axis : Germany, Italy, Japan
3.) Defence Spending : the amount of money government spends on the military.
4.) Unemployment Rate : % of people unemployed.
5.) Federal Outlay : amount of money the federal government uses to buy stuff.
6.) Rattle Snakes of the Atlantic : German U-boats
7.) German U-boats : German submarines.
8.) Isolationist : policy of "mind your own business".
9.) Appease: to give into demand.
10.) Lend- Lease Act : law that allowed president of the USA to sell weapons to our friends.
11.) Office of Price Administration :
12.) Inflation : when prices for goods/service increases but incomes remains the same.
13.) President FDR :

Monday, April 8, 2013

TGD-How TND Affected Peoples of Color

1.) Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a mexican american hero?
  • Pedro Gonzalez was a DJ, who became a mexican american hero because he spoke against  anglos or white people for being racist on the radio. He basiclly fought against discrimination of his people.
2.) Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
  • She was a hero to many women because she was the first female cabinet member in a government position.
3.) What was the "black cabinet" and who was the leader?
  • the black cabinet was a gruop of influential african americans that advise the roosevelt administration on racial issues. The leader of this gruop was mary mcleod bethune.