Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WWII part 1

1.) What treaty did Hitler hate? Why?
  • Hitler hated the treaty of versailles because it said that Germany was blamed for causing war world 1, and they were forced to pay the war damages. It also beat Germany's pride.
2.) Who became dictators during the 1930’s, and for what country?
  • Soviet Union- Joseph  Stalin
  • Germany- Abolf Hitler
  • Italy- Benito Mussalini
  • Japan- Hideki Tojo
  • Spain- Francisco Franco
3.) Explain similarities and differences amongst the dictators?
  • Mussalini and stalin would kill anyone who oppose their demands. Also Mussalini and Hitler called themselves the leaders and they both were very excellent speach givers.
4.) What was the U.S. thinking as several wars were breaking out?
  •  the United States wanted to reamin isolated and continue to be nutrual, on the other hand president Rossevelt wanted to join the war.



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