Tuesday, January 22, 2013

American Imperialism after Spanish- American War

a.) How did the U.S. change Cuba's Constitution?
  •  the United States made them add the Platt Aamendment to their constitution which gave some power to the U.S. over Cuba.
b.) What did the Roosevelt Corollary build on?
  • the Roosevelt Corollary builded on the Monroe Doctrine.
c.)  Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
  • he was pursued by the U.S. who sent a military of 15,000 men to find him in Mexico led by Brigadier General John J. Pershing
d.) How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
  • Panama declared their independence from Colombia, and then the U.S. bought the land for 40 million.
e.) What is meant by "speak softly and carry a big stick"?
  • the negotiations of the U.S. were always backed by the military force.

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