Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China and WW1

1.) Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China Favor?
  • It favored the United States
2.)  What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
  • They got tired of all the U.S., Britian, France, and Japan troops coming to China. The Chinese Martial Artist, began to fight back against these foreigners but many died.
3.)  List three causes of World War I?
  • nationalism
  • imperialism
  • militarism
  • formation of the system alliances
4.) How did the U.S. deal with German U-boats?
  • America would sail ships in groups not leaving any ship alone and easily targeted. Also,they were  protected by military vessels.
5.) What was the Selective Service Act used for?
  • it was an act used for getting more fighting power so it can register men so they can be randomly drafted.
6.) What new weapons did WW1 introduce?
  •  it intoduced airplaines and tanks
7.)  How did the Espionage and Sedition Act  affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions?
  • it took away your freedom of speech, and
8.) Why was there opposition to President Wilsons League of  Nations?

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