Friday, May 31, 2013
The American Dream 1950's
1. What were some causes for the baby boom?-Soldiers returned home from the war and were reunited with their wives, and they had sex and created many babies.
2. What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
- Manufacturers made more toys.
- There was a need for childcare, more schools, and more teachers.
3. How did roles of women change in the 1950's?
- Women did not have complete professional jobs.
- They were paid less.
- They started to attend colleges.
4. What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
- There were not strict credit rules, so it was easy to have good credit.
- After the war, there was an abundance of gas, so it was cheap.
- Some people had to drive far for their jobs.
- Since there were more cars, places needed more roads. Therefore, the highway was invented.
2. What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
- Manufacturers made more toys.
- There was a need for childcare, more schools, and more teachers.
- Women did not have complete professional jobs.
- They were paid less.
- They started to attend colleges.
4. What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
- There were not strict credit rules, so it was easy to have good credit.
- After the war, there was an abundance of gas, so it was cheap.
- Some people had to drive far for their jobs.
- Since there were more cars, places needed more roads. Therefore, the highway was invented.
Truman's Labor Policy
1. What were some of the significant challenges Pres. Truman faced after WWII?
he struggled to find jobs for soldiers bring stability and peace to all americans the sterikes and shortages of supplies
2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
he tried to make jobs but everyone opposed every move he made even his own family |
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The American Teenagers Of The 1950's
1. How did the teenagers change after The Great Depression and WWII?- It allowed teens to stay in school instead of leave to help their families financially.
- They received allowance because before, families had to ration and save everything they could.
- Companies and merchandise were targeted towards teens.
- Teens decided to spend more money on cosmetics, drive-in movie theaters, and college enrollments.
2. What is "white flight"? Was it good for society?
- The White Flight was when rich White people decided to isolate themselves from society and move away from the city.
- The poor decided to move to the city in place of the Whites.
- It was bad for society because the colored people couldn't afford all the expenses so the cities were full of poverty.
3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the United States before the 1950's?
- After the war between Mexico and the United States, Mexicans were allowed to work in the field of agriculture.
- They received allowance because before, families had to ration and save everything they could.
- Companies and merchandise were targeted towards teens.
- Teens decided to spend more money on cosmetics, drive-in movie theaters, and college enrollments.
- The White Flight was when rich White people decided to isolate themselves from society and move away from the city.
- The poor decided to move to the city in place of the Whites.
- It was bad for society because the colored people couldn't afford all the expenses so the cities were full of poverty.
3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the United States before the 1950's?
- After the war between Mexico and the United States, Mexicans were allowed to work in the field of agriculture.
Postwar America 1950's
What was the US economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?- The economy during WWII was not so great because Americans had to ration and save every little bit of resources they had. After WWII, Americans prospered. They focused on jobs, families, and advances in technology.
How did the American economy transform after the Great Depression and WWII?
-Businesses expanded rapidly. White-collars, the people who worked as managers and such, were higher paid than those of the blue-collared, people who labored and made goods.
-Franchises were highly successful. For example, McDonald's was so successful that today there are more than 140,000 franchises in more than dozens of countries.
Why would a company like Google not do well in the 1950's?
-Businesses did not want anything that did not fit to standards. With Google, a company that wants to create new, innovative ideas, would not prosper as much.

How did the American economy transform after the Great Depression and WWII?
-Franchises were highly successful. For example, McDonald's was so successful that today there are more than 140,000 franchises in more than dozens of countries.
Why would a company like Google not do well in the 1950's?
-Businesses did not want anything that did not fit to standards. With Google, a company that wants to create new, innovative ideas, would not prosper as much.
The Boy In Striped Pajamas- Analysis Questions
1. Why do you think Bruno's father was so secretive about his family's move? - Because no father wants to tell their family that they are killing innocent lives.
2. What was Bruno taught about Jews?
- His teacher taught him that Jews were horrid people, and wanted to take over germany.
3. When a Jewish man helped Bruno up after he fell off a swing, how was this a significant event to the mother?
- The event showed the mother that not all Jewish people are bad. She saw for herself that what German society put forth was not true.
4. Bruno's father transformed into a loving father to a what? Why?
- He transformed into a person without humanity. His job was to kill people, and in order for him to not be affected by the events that he saw, he needed to throw away his quality of love away.
5. What kind of boy was Bruno at first? What did he transform to?
- At first, Bruno was ignorant and oblivious to all the events pertaining to the War. Then, after talking to the little boy and from blunt comments from his sister, he sort of got the hint that something was wrong/ off about his father and the camp.
6. Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions.
- I felt sorry for Bruno because no one had ever told him what is really going on. It is understandable to not tell a kid the truth, since you do not want to scar him. But his curiosity had gotten the best of him, eventually leading him to death
2. What was Bruno taught about Jews?
- His teacher taught him that Jews were horrid people, and wanted to take over germany.
3. When a Jewish man helped Bruno up after he fell off a swing, how was this a significant event to the mother?
- The event showed the mother that not all Jewish people are bad. She saw for herself that what German society put forth was not true.
4. Bruno's father transformed into a loving father to a what? Why?
- He transformed into a person without humanity. His job was to kill people, and in order for him to not be affected by the events that he saw, he needed to throw away his quality of love away.
5. What kind of boy was Bruno at first? What did he transform to?
- At first, Bruno was ignorant and oblivious to all the events pertaining to the War. Then, after talking to the little boy and from blunt comments from his sister, he sort of got the hint that something was wrong/ off about his father and the camp.
6. Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions.
- I felt sorry for Bruno because no one had ever told him what is really going on. It is understandable to not tell a kid the truth, since you do not want to scar him. But his curiosity had gotten the best of him, eventually leading him to death
Post WW2 in America
1.) Why were Americans afraid of Europe?
- The Soviet Union created a political system called communism and most believed that it was a threat to the way the United States did things.
- Russians encouraged communism and they wanted to rebuild Europe's economy using their materials and goods.
3. ) What did Americans want in Europe?
- The United States wanted to recreate European governments so that the US can gain new markets for new goods. They also meddled, wanting to reunited Germany, thinking that Europe would be more productive if Germany were together again.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Japanese Internment and Justice
1.) What does the word internment mean to you?
- it means to keep people locked down in a place, buring a time of war.
- because the U.S. thought that all Japanese people were the enemy.
- it was wrong because they discriminated inoccent Japanese people and took away their homes leaving them with no rights as american citizens.
Monday, May 6, 2013
The End of WW2
1.) Was Gen. MacArthur a successful general? Explain w/ evidence.

- Yes, ofcourse he was a successful general, because he won many battles including the battles in the islands of Bataan Leyte and Iwo Jima. He also made Japan surrender.
- it was very successful and important because it granted soldiers to attend school and get a career after all the fighting they went through.
- they were treated unfairly, because 11 white sailors in L.A. reported that they were attated by Mexicans wearing zoot suits. As a result to this, white men went to Mexican communities and began to attack and beat up anyone who looked like a Mexican zoot.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
WWII in the Pacific
1.) Who promised to "return" to liberate the philippines?
- General Douglas MacArthur
- To end the war and to save American lives from a Japanese invention.
3.) In 1942, why were the Allies under-strength to fight Japan?
- The Allies were under-strength against Japan because soldiers were ill-prepared to stop Japans advances.
4.) Were American submarines effective in the Pacific? Explain.
- Yes ofcourse, American submarines were effective in the Pacific because it was able to take out enemy war ships under water.

Monday, April 29, 2013
WW2 Across the Atlantic Ocean
1.) Who was the supreme commander in Europe, and was he successful?
- American General Dwight Eisenhower, and he was successful because he made the nazis have an unconditional surrender.
- it was the 1st invation of the allies in europe.They invated europe in order to get to Hitler.
- he defeated the Nazis in France.
- it was Hitlers last opportunitie for victory in WW2
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Coping With The War at Home
1.) What was the OPA, and what was their job?
- its the office of price administration, and their job was to fight inflation by freezing prices on most goods.
- to bring scientists into the war, and be able to come up with a new invention of better weapons to defeat the enemy in the war.
- people couldnt buy as much things as they used to buy, because they were being ration and that limitted them from purchasing goods.
- they were very different because the government in todays wars didnt give us the people, limitations like they did back then in WW2. So basiclly we didnt have to sacrafice anything really.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
U.S. Gets ready for the fight
1.) .Who was A. Philip Randolph and why did he and Pressident Roosevelt meet?
- he was the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car porters, and they met to discuss the equality of African Americans to work and fight for their country.
- they were the Womens Auxiliary Army Corps, and were very important to the war, because they worked as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, electricions, and pilots.
- it was really crapy for them because, they would get discriminated and always be segregated. they woud also only work as janitors cleaning toilets.
Friday, April 19, 2013
U.S Inches Towards WW2
1.) What was lend-lease, and what countries did it benefited?
- The president would lend or rent weapons and supplies to "any country whose defense was vital to the United States." This benefited both England and the Soviet Union.
- he called them rattlesnakes
- At first Roosevelts remained nutral because the people wanted to stay out of the war, but because he was supporting both the soviet union and England by giving them weapons and supplies, japan ended up bombing pearl harbor, therefore making the US officaly enter world war 2.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
WWII part 2
1.) List all the countries the Nazi's invaded?
- Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, France, Denmark, Soviet Union, Belguim, and Holland.
- Churchhill said that the agreement was a disaster, because he believed it was going to lead to a war, and that Britan and France were cawards for apasing Hitler.
- its a lighting war that its purpose was to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition (enemy) with overwhelming force.
WWII part 1
1.) What treaty did Hitler hate? Why?

- Hitler hated the treaty of versailles because it said that Germany was blamed for causing war world 1, and they were forced to pay the war damages. It also beat Germany's pride.
- Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin
- Germany- Abolf Hitler
- Italy- Benito Mussalini
- Japan- Hideki Tojo
- Spain- Francisco Franco
- Mussalini and stalin would kill anyone who oppose their demands. Also Mussalini and Hitler called themselves the leaders and they both were very excellent speach givers.
- the United States wanted to reamin isolated and continue to be nutrual, on the other hand president Rossevelt wanted to join the war.
Monday, April 15, 2013
WWII Key Terms
1.) Allies : U.S.A, England, Soviet Union
2.) Axis : Germany, Italy, Japan
3.) Defence Spending : the amount of money government spends on the military.
4.) Unemployment Rate : % of people unemployed.
5.) Federal Outlay : amount of money the federal government uses to buy stuff.
6.) Rattle Snakes of the Atlantic : German U-boats
7.) German U-boats : German submarines.
8.) Isolationist : policy of "mind your own business".
9.) Appease: to give into demand.
10.) Lend- Lease Act : law that allowed president of the USA to sell weapons to our friends.
11.) Office of Price Administration :
12.) Inflation : when prices for goods/service increases but incomes remains the same.
13.) President FDR :
2.) Axis : Germany, Italy, Japan
3.) Defence Spending : the amount of money government spends on the military.
4.) Unemployment Rate : % of people unemployed.
5.) Federal Outlay : amount of money the federal government uses to buy stuff.
6.) Rattle Snakes of the Atlantic : German U-boats
7.) German U-boats : German submarines.
8.) Isolationist : policy of "mind your own business".
9.) Appease: to give into demand.
10.) Lend- Lease Act : law that allowed president of the USA to sell weapons to our friends.
11.) Office of Price Administration :
12.) Inflation : when prices for goods/service increases but incomes remains the same.
13.) President FDR :
Friday, April 12, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
TGD-How TND Affected Peoples of Color
1.) Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a mexican american hero?

- Pedro Gonzalez was a DJ, who became a mexican american hero because he spoke against anglos or white people for being racist on the radio. He basiclly fought against discrimination of his people.
- She was a hero to many women because she was the first female cabinet member in a government position.
- the black cabinet was a gruop of influential african americans that advise the roosevelt administration on racial issues. The leader of this gruop was mary mcleod bethune.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Programs of the New Deal
1.) What was THE major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
- Roosevelt help his people in need, while Hoover turned his back on them.
- The Work Progress Administration because it gave jobs to unskilled workers, and spend 8 billion dollars to create new jobs.
- It has been the strongest enduring program.
- Huey Long was against TND because inadeqate.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
TGD-FDR &The New Deal
1.) Who was FDR? (write a summary of your three most important facts)
- FDR was one of the greatest presidents of the United States, and a perfect example of achiving your goals regardless of any disability. He was in a wheel chair most of his life, and he delt with both the solutions to the great depression, and world war 2.
- 3. What was The New Deal?it was made to give the people of the U.S. a new start from their old lives where they struggled4. What three goals did The New Deal attempt to address?it attempted to relieve the needy help economic recovery and financial reform5. What was the first action FDR took as president?the first thing he did was close all the banks and only allow the ones that were in good financial state to re-open.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The Great Depresssion -President Hoover's handling of the Crisis
Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginnnig of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because he didnt accomidate his people when they most needed help. Hoover did not believe in help from the Government, and he refused direct welfare
from the government to the people. Insted he gave money to huge corporations that already had lots of money, so basiclly his plan was inaffective. People were so upset with Hoover, they began to bump their food on the side of the roads, burned their crops and blocked roads so they could not deliver to the stores. Not only did Hoover make people mad, he also upsetted Veterans from WWI. These Veterans and their families reacted by making a group called the Bonus Army. They marched to D.C to protest for the Putman Bill, which was supposed to pay
veterans of WWI, but Hoover wasnt going to let this happen so he reacted by tear gasing them, causing a little boy to lose his eye vision.
Friday, March 15, 2013
The Great Depression - Hardships & Suffering
1.) Describe the Dust Bowl; what caused it?
- it was a severe drought that caused a dust wind storm that picked up lots of dust and sand it blew it all over the middle of the U.S. The reason this happened was because the farmes over used the lands that held the dirt down, in other words they got to greety.
- a.) it affected children because they droped out of school to get a job, to help out their old folks.
- b.) it affected families because every day was a struggle to make ends meet.
- c.) women began to look for any type of job to feed their children.
- d.) the men would try to find side jobs or pretty much any type of work.
- e.) people of color were affected because they would get paid less and would be discriminated.
- hoboes were groups of transients, and they did not stay in one place, instead they hitched rides on trains and would stay under bridges. Something like hippies.
- people never ever wanted to be poor again in their lifes. (plus some people couldnt take it anymore, and instead committed suicide.)
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Great Depression
1.) 94% of Americans made how much money in one year?

- they made less than $5,000
- Wall street was important to American business because thats were New York stock exchange, and companies sold their stocks there.
- I think the main reason for the Great Depression was unequal distridution of income.
- people are losing their jobs and are out of work like back then in the 1930's
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Roaring 1920's: People, Places and Events
1.) What are some beliefs held by fundamentalists?
- they didnt believe in evolution because that kind of idea was not in the bible, and they strongly believe in everything the bible said becaue it hadd been corrected.
- this trial challenged the law that banned the teaching of evolution in schools.
3.) The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
- it created two different behavior rules for men and women, which gave men more of a freedom to express themselves sexually.
4.) Why did Charles Lindbergh become famous? Louis Armstrong?
- Charles Lindbergh became famous for flying across the Atlantic. Louis Armstrong became famous from his jazz music.
- this was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-Americans culture in Harlem New York.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Life in the 1920's Changed: Prohibition
1.) What was Prohibition?
- it was the banning of alcohol in the United States
- one group responsible for the banning of alcohol was the church affiliated Anti-Saloon League
- when they were under the influence of alcohol, they would act in bad behavior and hit their wifes and children. They were basicly mad men at the time.
- they got illegal alcohol from
speakeasies which were places like offices or basements and also from
5.) In your opinion, was Prohibition a good or bad idea, and
- I think prohibition was a very good idea because it made people stay sober and there were less crimes and child/wife abuse.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
New Technology & the 1920's
1.) How did the automobile affect America?
- it affected America in a possitive way with many good outcomes. One of them being allowing people to travel from one place to another more quickly and easier. Since the automobile roads were being built, it opened many job opportunities to people, and they were able to built gas stations, repair shops, motels, tourist camps, and malls. This made the economy rise up dramaticly.
- Urban Spraw is when cities grow out or expand larger. What caused this was mobility caused by the creation of cars.
- The first airplanes were used to beliver mail for the U.S. Post office.
- I think its going to have a down fall, because you know what they say " What goes up must come down ".
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Unions And Labor After World War 1
1.) Do workers have a fundamental right to form unions and strikes?
3.) Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
- workers didnt have the rights, because the government didnt want them to interfere with the war efforts, and also the AFL pledged to avoid any strikes.
3.) Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
- workers were treated very unfairly, because they were forced to work in crappy conditions, and put in lots of hours.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The U.S. after WWI
1.) Descride the feeling many Americans had after WW1?
- the feelings that the American had were that they were exhausted of the war, different changes in society, and unemployment.
2.) What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
- They were afraid of outsiders, they practiced nativism (prejudice against foreign-born people) and isolationism(staying out of foreign affairs). they had a fear of communism
- It acomplished to go for political radicals, and he did this because he was affriad of communism
- The KKK membership increased because immigrants were coming from europe, and the people migrating were jewish and catholics.So the KKK feared and dislike these religions and felt like they were going to be taken over by them.
- The quota system was a law that was made to limit the number of immigrants coming over to the U.S
- Yes the quota system was discriminatory against immigrants from europe, mainly from Italy, Hungray, Poland, Ukrain ect.. All because they were jewish and catholic.
7.) How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
- Mexico was not affected by this system law
8.) How was japan affected by the quota system?
- Japan was affected by the quota system because they had already made the Gentlemens Agreement in 1907 with Teddy R. to limit the amount of japaneese coming to the U.S. and now they would be limited again.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Treatment of People of Color
1.) How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's & where did they do this work?
- Mexicans would work in the railroads, and were also vital to the development of mining and agriculture. They would do this work in the southwestern part of the U.S.
2.) Describe African-American life in the 1900's(Where did they move to, what was their experience, etc)?
- The life of the African-American life was difficult, because there would always be racial discrimination, both in the north and south. They were practecly forced into segregated neighborhoods, and were always discriminated in there work place as well.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Recreation in the U.S.
1.) When and why did americans begin to recreate?
- Americans began to recreate in the late 1800's, because they wanted to get away from the cities, and have fun for once in there lives. They also did this to get away from industrial working.
2.) Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to americans today?
- I think the reasons are still the same compared to today, because people still go to amusment parks to have fun and feel free from work. Also they spend time with there families and like to have free time every once in a while.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency
1.) Theodore " Teddy" Roosevelt was the 26th president of the U.S.A. He is best known for his leadership of the Progressive Movement, and leader of the Rupublican Party. He was born on October 27,1858 in New York City. He was in office from September 14, 1901- March 4, 1909
2.) Roosevelt became president, because on September 6, 1901, president Mckinley was shot, and at the time Roosevelt was vice president. So in 1904, Teddy won the presidency election , and therefore became new president.
3.) It provided him an outstanding platform from which to preach his ideas.
4.) He believed in equal but seperate. However the word equal, didnt really mean that to him, because African Americans were still being discriminated.
5.) I would like T.R. as president in todays world, because he took chances and they seemed to work.

2.) Roosevelt became president, because on September 6, 1901, president Mckinley was shot, and at the time Roosevelt was vice president. So in 1904, Teddy won the presidency election , and therefore became new president.
3.) It provided him an outstanding platform from which to preach his ideas.
4.) He believed in equal but seperate. However the word equal, didnt really mean that to him, because African Americans were still being discriminated.
5.) I would like T.R. as president in todays world, because he took chances and they seemed to work.
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