Monday, November 12, 2012

blog entry #6

dear diary #6,
Today is September 17, 1787. On this beautiful day i was near the river washing my cloths and taking a shower. I always be talking long shower, because i like to keep my body clean and fresh. Anyways i had to be looking fresh and classy,beacuse i was going to the building i went to the other day, were i saw Hamilton and Jefferson. This time there was a dabate between some antifederalist and federalist.  The anti-federalist wanted their rights to be protected, so to satisfy them they created the bill of rights, which stated ten rights that were added on to the Constitution. Since this act made them happy, they all agreed to be part of the U.S..all the 13 states Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and of course Massachusetts. Thats all form me today, untill next time.

Sincerly, LIONKING

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