Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Adrian Ronaldo and Gerardo v.

  1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land" : " Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights".
  2. Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority" : an example of federal vs sate authority, is when they say that in the state marijuana is llegal, but in the eyes of the federal government it is still illegal. for example
"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement. "This is a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don't break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly."

   3.  What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product? : the compromise that was made in Washington, states that they would tax it by 25% when it is produced and sold to the cunsumers. I think this compromise is going to affect the demand, because since its going to be more expencive then people are going to start buying from a drug dealer because its more economical. But this action is illegal at the same time, so thats a problem.

4.) Why was Oregon's referendum not passed? : Oregon's referendum didnt pass because it gave more power to the people that were growing marijuana than the overseers.

 Social Media and the presidential election :       

5.)  What audience do you think social media was targeted to? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : i think the social media was mainly targeted to young tennagers. The reason i say this is becasue both candidates focused on education.

6.)  Which candidate was most effective using social media? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : i think Obama was a better candidate using social media, because many people on facebook and twitter posted and tweeted more statements of Obama.

7.)  According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why? (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : I agree that using pictures of your ballot can be used to put presure on people who are voting, because its propaganda. I mean some people can change there minds out of nowere because of marked ballot.

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