Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Immigration/Industrialization Key Terms

1.) Nativist/nativism : is basiclly when you take more interest in the natives than in the immigrants.
2.) George Eastman : american innovator who helped to bring photography to the mainstream.
3.) Horizantal/Vertical Integration : a type of manegment style for businesses, used for making better profits.
4.)The Meat Inspection Act : a law that helps prevent any spoiled meant not get sold to the public.
5.) Thomas Edison : an inventer who created the light bulb and motion picture camera.
6.) Americanization : is the process of an immigrant becoming a US citizen.
7.) Reform : the improvement of something that is wrong or corrupt in the government.
8.) Progressive Era Movement : an era of social activism and political reform for a clean government.
9.) Trust/Monopoly : unlawful owners of companies that control all aspects of buisness and the prices.
10.) Upton Sinclair : an american author, who ran for governor and wrote 100 books.
11.) Urban : areas surrounding the cities, that have greater population.
12.) Political Machine : an organization managed my a powerful boss, to get people to vote.
13.) Social Darwinism : the belief comes from "survival of the fittest."
14.) Muckraker : journalist that write about the corrupt laws in popular magazines.
15.) Social Gospel : religious movement that issues on poverty, excessive wealth, alcoholism, crime, child labor, bad hygiene, and racial tensions.
16.) Alexander Graham Bell : scientist, inventor, and engineer who invented the first telephone.
17.) Europe : Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
18.) Jane Addams : a settlement worker of important roles.
19.) Immigration : when you migrate to a new place and settle there.
20.) Henry Bessemer : english engineer and inventor who improved the process of making steel.
21.) Immigration Act 1965 : an acted that help immigrators.
22.) Andrew Carnegie :  scottish american industrialist who led the expansion of american steel industry, most important philanthropists.
23.) Graft : this is political corruption used to get ones personal gain.
24.)  Hull Houses : reform institutions.
25.) Cesar Chavez : american farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who co-founded the national farm workers association.

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