Thursday, December 27, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge

1.)  Based upon what i have read labor unions were good because they tried to get better working conditions for all the workers. The labor unions helped them change by eliminating many of the bad things that workers went through.

2.)  The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because the building was on fire and they all burned to death. These deaths could have been prevented if they had more things for fire safety like sprinklers fire escapes and if the conditions were not that bad.

3.)  Monopolists did not want unions because that would mean that they had to pay their workers more improve benefits, and improve working conditions. Union workers did not like scabs because they would do the same work as them for even less money so it did not help them.

4.)  Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and the monopolists, and these people didnt like to share their weath with anybody.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hopelessly Bound To The Stake

            Workers were treated terrible with cruelty, they were forced to work 14 to 16 hours of hard labor in unsafe conditions. Workers had to work hard for long hours and got paid very little. They  had no safety in there work area they always ran the risk of getting severely injured in thoe conditions they were in. Most likely also they wouldnt get treatment if they will get hurt on their job which will mean they will have to pay for their own treatment for their injuries with the ittle money they make and not work for a while during that time and run the risk of losing a job opportunity with a disability you physically get after your injury or just plainly you get replaced. The money in  politics contributed to this cartoon because the rich would get the laws to be helpful to them only while the workers had to suffer in those conditions. It has changed now because workers have more rights and are protected now by laws that keep them from being overworked.

Are The Old Boses Still In Charge?

              What is the setting for the cartoon?            
  • the setting for the cartoon is the senate of the United States (bicameral government/ House of Represenatives)
              What entrance is open, what entrance is closed?
  • The monopolists entrance is open and the peoples entrance is closed
              Who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
  • The large men at the back of the room represent the monopolists and they represent the special interest group.
             Why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
  • They are there to show that they have power in the government and are part of the creation of the laws.

Rise of Industry and Monopolies

1.) what were the three main causes of industrial growth in america?
  • the 3 main causes of industrial growth in america were natural resources, government support, and urban population.
2.) Trusts and monopolies during America's early industrial age created?
  •   the people in the US , because it  was a society were workers were working very hard but got paid very little. also the share of weathy was bad and there were poor people because of greediness from the monopolies.

Mayor Events Before The Civil War

 1.) Around 1858 the U.S. was divided geographically into north and south. The south being agricultural and the north being industrial.  They both had different religions, climates, and they believed in different opinions and things.
 2.) The country was so divided by the issue of slavery, California was only accepted by making the compromise of 1858.  There was an argument about this and if the north and south didnt agree on the compromise then California wouldnt be able to become a state so it had to be through popular soverinty.
 3.)Around this time many southern states were seriously considering leaving the union.
 4.) Many people from the north hated slavery, because they thought its was immoral. People that help slaves to freedom were called abolitionists. These people risk there lives because they wanted slavey abalished.
 5.) when Uncle Toms Cabin was published, the south took it as an attack on them. The south thought it was an attack on them on how they work things. It increased the north to increase protests against the fugitive slave act. 
  6.) Two politicians became famous for their slavery debates, they were Abraham Lincoln who thought slavery was immoral, and Stephen Douglas who believed in popular sovereignty.
 7.) On December 20, 1860 the south seceded from the union and the civil war would begin.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Because of Electricity

                            gives us light and makes life great
                                       now we have power


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Immigration/Industrialization Key Terms

1.) Nativist/nativism : is basiclly when you take more interest in the natives than in the immigrants.
2.) George Eastman : american innovator who helped to bring photography to the mainstream.
3.) Horizantal/Vertical Integration : a type of manegment style for businesses, used for making better profits.
4.)The Meat Inspection Act : a law that helps prevent any spoiled meant not get sold to the public.
5.) Thomas Edison : an inventer who created the light bulb and motion picture camera.
6.) Americanization : is the process of an immigrant becoming a US citizen.
7.) Reform : the improvement of something that is wrong or corrupt in the government.
8.) Progressive Era Movement : an era of social activism and political reform for a clean government.
9.) Trust/Monopoly : unlawful owners of companies that control all aspects of buisness and the prices.
10.) Upton Sinclair : an american author, who ran for governor and wrote 100 books.
11.) Urban : areas surrounding the cities, that have greater population.
12.) Political Machine : an organization managed my a powerful boss, to get people to vote.
13.) Social Darwinism : the belief comes from "survival of the fittest."
14.) Muckraker : journalist that write about the corrupt laws in popular magazines.
15.) Social Gospel : religious movement that issues on poverty, excessive wealth, alcoholism, crime, child labor, bad hygiene, and racial tensions.
16.) Alexander Graham Bell : scientist, inventor, and engineer who invented the first telephone.
17.) Europe : Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
18.) Jane Addams : a settlement worker of important roles.
19.) Immigration : when you migrate to a new place and settle there.
20.) Henry Bessemer : english engineer and inventor who improved the process of making steel.
21.) Immigration Act 1965 : an acted that help immigrators.
22.) Andrew Carnegie :  scottish american industrialist who led the expansion of american steel industry, most important philanthropists.
23.) Graft : this is political corruption used to get ones personal gain.
24.)  Hull Houses : reform institutions.
25.) Cesar Chavez : american farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who co-founded the national farm workers association.

Monday, November 12, 2012

dear diary #7,
   My name is LIONKING , its December 4, 1819, and today is my last day on earth. I lay here on my old bed with broken ribs, fractured skull, broken arm, broken legs, and broken back. I feel super weak and literaly like a lonely vegetable. It all happened yesterday, I was chopping down a big tree near the river to create a bridge, but as i was doing this i triped over a rock, and the tree landed on my whole body. The pain was intense but it aint so bad, because at least that tree didnt land on my beautiful face, now that would be a real tragedy. I have lived 343 years and i woudnt changed my life for anything. Buring this time i have experianced good times and bad times. For example like the start of The United States, and how they created our nation. i think what will end up happening later on in the future, is people advancing in technology and will create machines that will make life esiear. i also predict that humans are going to be able to fly like birds to get to their destinations, much faster. It sucks that im not going to be a part of this life era but hey i lived my life to the max.  All i want for me right now is to just die with a smile on my face, knowing that all of my
family and friends will be at my funeral.

blog entry #6

dear diary #6,
Today is September 17, 1787. On this beautiful day i was near the river washing my cloths and taking a shower. I always be talking long shower, because i like to keep my body clean and fresh. Anyways i had to be looking fresh and classy,beacuse i was going to the building i went to the other day, were i saw Hamilton and Jefferson. This time there was a dabate between some antifederalist and federalist.  The anti-federalist wanted their rights to be protected, so to satisfy them they created the bill of rights, which stated ten rights that were added on to the Constitution. Since this act made them happy, they all agreed to be part of the U.S..all the 13 states Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and of course Massachusetts. Thats all form me today, untill next time.

Sincerly, LIONKING

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Adrian Ronaldo and Gerardo v.

  1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land" : " Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights".
  2. Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority" : an example of federal vs sate authority, is when they say that in the state marijuana is llegal, but in the eyes of the federal government it is still illegal. for example
"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement. "This is a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don't break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly."

   3.  What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product? : the compromise that was made in Washington, states that they would tax it by 25% when it is produced and sold to the cunsumers. I think this compromise is going to affect the demand, because since its going to be more expencive then people are going to start buying from a drug dealer because its more economical. But this action is illegal at the same time, so thats a problem.

4.) Why was Oregon's referendum not passed? : Oregon's referendum didnt pass because it gave more power to the people that were growing marijuana than the overseers.

 Social Media and the presidential election :       

5.)  What audience do you think social media was targeted to? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : i think the social media was mainly targeted to young tennagers. The reason i say this is becasue both candidates focused on education.

6.)  Which candidate was most effective using social media? Explain. (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : i think Obama was a better candidate using social media, because many people on facebook and twitter posted and tweeted more statements of Obama.

7.)  According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why? (This is an opinion question. Same rules for citations apply here as well) : I agree that using pictures of your ballot can be used to put presure on people who are voting, because its propaganda. I mean some people can change there minds out of nowere because of marked ballot.

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    blog entry #5

    dear diary,
    Its monday morning of the year 1789 and today I was chopping down a tree for some wood to be able to start a fire, to keep my family worm. As I was doing this I could see behind some trees, there was this big building with many people gathered around it. I wanted to go see what all the fus was about, so I quickly ran thords it. Inside this building there was Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. They were there arguing about how the government was going to be work for our country. Hamilton said he wanted a strong government led by the upper class citizens, and Jefferson wanted a strong government led by local government rooted in participation.Since they were not getting along with their ideas, I walked in the room and shouted lets make a compromise. They looked surprised but then relized, that i was right. So they established a compromise that help them not have an argument and avoid going to war. I was very pleased with this agreement, and later headed home to tell my wife the big news. Thats it for me today, ill keep in touch later.
    your truley, LionKing